Students open the Clever app on the iPad and click “Allow” in the prompt to give Clever access to their camera. **If the camera was previously not allowed, go to Settings > Privacy > Camera > Clever and slide to on (green) **
The webcam will activate and students should hold up their Badge to the camera. Once the code is scanned the screen border will flash green.
Students will then be redirected to their Clever dashboard.
How do I re-print or create a new Badge for my students?
Log in to the Clever Portal and click the “Classes” tab next to your name
Select the appropriate class/section for your student
Navigate to the "Students rostered to this class" section (you can sort the names alphabetically by first name or last name)
Click on the student who needs their Badge
Click "Download Badge" to re-print their Badge
The student's Badge will be downloaded to your computer, which you can print and give to your student